TRAINING PROGRAMMES - Negotiation Skills

Programme Overview

In the present era of competitive business environment, profitability and benefits depend, highly, on the negotiation skills of the involved stakeholders. In addition to business conditions, we do negotiate, all the time, with colleagues, family members, friends and many others. In the contemporary world, understanding of negotiation process is important for achieving the desired and expected results. Individual skill in understanding and establishing relationship is crucial in his / her success or failure. The negotiating skills help individual in selling ideas, determining the price and other terms within and outside the organization. A person with good negotiation skills would resolve differences and promote collaboration. Negotiation process is widening its coverage and currently there are multiple national and international for a for effective negotiations


  • Facilitate understanding the individual role in negotiation process
  • Help in developing effective and successful negotiation strategies
  • Create a sense of mutuality while negotiating with others
  • Emphasise the need to identify the bargaining zones